ACDRA Rescues Saoirse

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Australian Cattle Dog Rescueassociation

ACDRA prides itself on medical rescues, made possible by donations. See Saoirse's story and share!


raised by 28 people

$5,000 goal


Update posted 3 years ago

Hi all! Saoirse is so grateful to all of you, and so is ACDRA for your support! Saving dogs like Saoirse is what ACDRA prides itself on however, we couldn't do that without our donors, volunteers, and adopters! You all ROCK! 

Stay tuned...ACDRA has pulled out of 13th place and is bouncing back and forth between 10th and 12th place. We are hoping to be in the top 10 by Tuesday to win an extra $1000 in the first bonus challenge! Fingers crossed! Regardless though, we are already winners for saving Saoirse and being able to follow her amazing story in her forever home :-)

Feel free to follow ACDRA in the bonus rounds over the next four weeks! 

Due to an prior injury, Saoirse was unable to bend her left rear leg. She could only move it from the hip downward, leaving her very unstable. Saoirse found herself in the shelter because her family couldn’t afford the medical care she needed.

ACDRA decided to rescue Saoirse and provide her medical care. However, we had difficulty getting an orthopedic evaluation as some didn’t respond and others were booked out for months. Then, Dr. Claudia at HARC stepped in and diagnosed Saoirse and recommended a leg amputation (coxofemoral disarticulation). Due to the extensive arthritis in her hip bone socket, the entire femur needed to be removed.

Dr. Claudia performed the surgery at HARC and Saoirse has since fully recovered – now living her life with her amazing forever family!

At ACDRA, we are thankful to all our volunteers and donors who make these rescues possible. We are thankful to Dr. Claudia and HARC for their compassion toward rescue and shelter animals. We are thankful to the shelter volunteers and animal control who advocated for Saoirse.

Please consider donating to ACDRA through the Saving Pets Challenge, so we can continue to save more dogs like Saoirse! And please remember to SHARE Saoirse's story with your friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else you can think of!

Giving Activity


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