ACDRA Celebrates 20 Years of Freedom Rides!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Australian Cattle Dog Rescueassociation

Join our $20 for 20 years campaign to help ACDRA provide freedom rides for another 20 years!!


raised by 140 people

$10,000 goal


Update posted 2 years ago

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR DONATIONS IN THE FIRST WEEK OF THE SAVING PETS CHALLENGE! WEEK 2 offers a $1500 bonus prize for the greatest "number" of unique donations - not the total $ amount. Just $5 can help rescue a cattle dog. $5 can help a cattle dog find a family to love. $5 can help ACDRA win the 2nd Saving Pets Challenge Bonus of $1500! 

Yes folks, FREEDOM RIDING IS a REAL thing!!!  For over 20 years ACDRA has been able to provide thousands of dogs the ability to take their freedom ride to begin the journey of finding their forever homes.  Imagine waking up every day in a small concrete room, patiently awaiting that silver food dish that will soon arrive with your breakfast; but wait, that breakfast is the only meal you will get that day.  This is the life of so many dogs in the south.  They live day in and day out in their small kennels, often living with "roommates" due to overcrowding.  Shelters are underfunded and understaffed and cannot provide more than one meal a day, possibly a blanket or a bed, rarely a toy or treat, and in many cases little or no outdoor time to smell the grass.  Imagine the mixed emotions these poor dogs must have when someone approaches their kennel carrying a leash and asking them if they want to bust out.  We see it all from tails wagging so hard they are banging the gates shut, to dogs so scared they army crawl out the door, to some that try so very hard to hide themselves in the corner farthest away from the door and even to those that find comfort from the touch of another dog sharing their freedom ride crate.  There is no greater joy for a volunteer than that of busting a dog out of a shelter and loading them into their car, waving as they leave the shelter parking lot!  Please enjoy some of the freedom ride photos from 2022; and help us keep providing more freedom rides by joining our $20 for 20 years campaign so we can keep those dogs moving down the happy heeler highway!  

Giving Activity


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